Hot air balloon flight

Hot air balloon flight

Some may say we continue tradition started in Kraków's Botanic Garden in 1784 by Kraków's scientists: Jan Śniadecki and Jan Jaśkiewicz. This is when, year after famous Montgolfier brothers' experiment, they organized balloon flight in Wesoła district.

Today we can use balloon flights in various ways:
• tourist flights
• commercial flights
• occasional flights

We fly during the whole year but flight is available only when weather is good and licensed pilot will decide to fly. Pilot is responsible for passengers safety. Every flight is insured.

While in air you can:
• sign a contract
• engage or even marry
If you fly the first time a celebration with some bubbles and a diploma will not miss you!!

Urszula Kalinowska
+48 606 670 942



Balloon flights - Gallery